The Photo Contest

 erasmus  erasmus



At the beginning of the exchange "Il Calabrone" Association launched the Photo Contest "Urban Landscapes 2 − Urban Landscapes as bio-cultural landscapes" that  saw young people to compete in an online contest too.

During the week’s activities each participant took some pictures that showed the man-territory  relationship and expressed the landscape concept as a result of the local culture.

The objective of this activity was to interpret one’s own territory communicating and enhancing it by photography.

All pictures from participants were exposed during a free exhibition where the public audience could vote for its three favorite.


The Awards ceremony of the Photo Contest awarded a selection of the best pictures (audience award, Calabroni award-best project, most original picture, EuRYD special mention, best picture award).





Launch of the Photo Contest by "Il Calabrone" Association


Awards ceremony

Awards ceremony


To see different steps of Contest and all winning pictures visit the website of “Il Calbrone” 


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